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Fundamental Shift in Communications

Aug 19, 2010 | Blog

In a recent article on on Digital Buzz Blog, they share some eye-opening facts via Socialnomics about social media usage and how far beyond a fad it has grown. In fact, the advent of social media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. Agencies, along with their clients, are being forced to face the new reality where “broadcasting” a message becomes increasingly less effective while rich, interactive, engaging experiences are what is going to attract customers.

One area of particular interest is how social media is effecting higher education — from attracting students, to reinforcing bonds with alumni. One of the most exciting aspects that I believe will cause a monumental shift in education is how universities adapt to teaching through social media. With universities such as MIT now providing course material for free online, it will be interesting to see if others will follow suit and break down their walls too. MIT’s site is definitely worth checking out — I think I’ll be checking out the Anthropology of Sound first…


Photo by duff_sf on Flickr

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