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Why Marketing Automation Matters for Digital Marketing

May 13, 2015 | Blog

Marketing automation is arguably the most exciting thing to happen to digital marketing in the last decade. After years of waiting for the marriage of metrics to smarter tracking technology, digital marketers now have it: a better way to connect ROI to outreach, promotions, and content. The ability to measure and monitor marketing efforts has finally provided the means to answer the age-old question clients ask their agencies: “Are your efforts increasing my revenue?” Now with marketing automation, we can say, “Yes, let me show you how.”

While the term “marketing automation” may seem like another trendy buzzword, it is actually a comprehensive, enclosed set of marketing tools that will reduce the number of tools, platforms, and services you need to manage. In addition, it allows businesses to cut down on operations and labor costs by streamlining your marketing programs to one engine. It is a smart move for modern marketers.

According to The Demand Generation Marketing’s Guide, a recent report from LinkedIn, 95% of website visitors leave without ever providing an email address and 80% of marketing emails go unopened. With statistics like that, there needs to be a better way to connect and capture customers. What this really means is that marketers have to mindfully be filing the sales funnel as they develop and implement modern tactics.

Here are some ways marketing automation is able to do that:
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  • It helps to integrate your digital marketing across social media sites
  • It automates the publishing and monitoring of content marketing efforts
  • It includes email marketing services under the same roof as your content marketing, lead capture, and lead scoring
  • It allows your online advertising programs such as Google AdWords to connect your clicks with leads, and ultimately, conversions
  • It breaks down the return on investment of each digital channel
  • Your sales team can segment by lead score to follow up with warm and hot leads, while cold leads can continue to be nurtured with content

But marketing automation will exist as just another buzzword if there isn’t a smart digital strategy and implementation of consumer-friendly content behind it. Digital marketing firms like Sinuate Media can design a strategy and map out your content marketing plan to fuel the automation engine with our outsourced marketing services.

Get in touch with us to see how marketing automation can inspire your digital marketing efforts and increase your revenue.

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