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Recent Google Search Engine Optimization Algorithm Updates

Dec 15, 2014 | Blog

Cool cuddly animals are warming up to SEO work even more

Google continues to update their automated reasoning rules, or algorithms for organic search integrity and performance. So while some were skeptical early on that a focus on content quality, simpler metadata structuring, and true influencer links would be the way to go, the last iterations for these two algorithms are demonstrating delivery in that direction. The recent updates for what Google calls Panda, focused on improvements to site content performance and Penguin, related to external linking – occurred consecutively on September 23, 2014 (Panda 4.1) & October 21, 2014 (Penguin 3.0).

Panda 4.1 SEO Site Content Update

This is the older of the two updates, comprising a total of 28. According to Google on their plus page will improve the identification of low quality content even more and affect around 3-5% of search queries, depending on the geo-region. Feedback from users seem to praise this update in that small and mid-size sites will now rank higher. That is, of course, if they have been following Google SEO protocol for serving up quality content.

Penguin 3.0 SEO External Linking Update

According to an article at GSQI, this is more of a refresh, rather than a full-fledged update, confirmed by Peter Far, again on Google Plus. The algorithm update was announced by Google only 24 hours prior to the implementation. Impacting around 1% of English speaking sites, the change not only penalizes more bad linking, but helps improve sites that took care of changing bad links that negatively impacted them during a previous Penguin update.

According to another December 1st post from Search Engine Land, the Penguin 3.0 update that started six weeks ago is still going on. This also in line with Google stating that they are now moving into more of a real time algorithm update scenario, rather than announcing the update a couple months prior and then implementing (demonstrated in the quick, vague announcement about Google Penguin 3.0). So you either are or you are not following protocol according to the overall SEO structure, as well as the ongoing changes over real time.

So while the transparency, of what Google is doing to enhance and improve the ability to rank your content higher in their organic search product is now vanishing, the company is aligning it with well written content that is highly relevant to your brand and the audience it wants to engage.

Need to reach your brand audience with better, more relevant content? Let Sinuate Media deliver it right from your strategic marketing plan and research into digital marketing implementations that work. Please contact us or call 443.992.4691 so we can hear more about your current challenges and see if we can help.


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