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Six Steps to Empowering Your Customers

Jul 1, 2008 | Blog

Excellent article in today’s by Glenn Gabe about how Boar’s Head took action and empowered their customers to report misuses of their brand and product by deli owners. The article is a must-read as Gabe does an excellent job at illustrating each point, but the short list is:

  1. Earn trust by always going above and beyond for your customers.
  2. Communicate with your customers!
  3. Build your insider program.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.
  5. Arm them.
  6. Follow up with your customers

The point is that your customers can be the greatest extension of your team if you give them the right infrastructure to communicate with you and the information to empower them.

Radio ads rarely intrigue me. They typically invoke an immediate response to change the station, or they just hang in the background until the next song comes on.

But, recently, a radio advertisement for Boar’s Head meats demanded my attention. It was about an old flimflam and a unique way that Boar’s Head is trying to battle a longstanding problem.

After hearing the commercial, I came home and immediately visited the Boar’s Head website.

Here’s a quick rundown. About 20 years ago, Boar’s Head realized a disturbing trend: Some deli owners would show Boar’s Head in the deli case, but then use a cheaper deli meat when actually making sandwiches—not good for Boar’s Head, not good for customers, and ultimately not good for the deli owner.

Fast-forward to today. Unfortunately for Boar’s Head, a company with a long and proud history, it seems that the old flimflam has again reared its ugly head.

But Boar’s Head isn’t sitting back and taking the punches. It’s fighting back. How? Well, it isn’t sending an entire force of lawyers out on the streets, and it certainly isn’t sending the deli police on raids. That wouldn’t scale, or be that powerful.

Instead, Boar’s Head is tapping into a much more powerful force that it has worked hard to build over the years. That’s right—the Boar’s Head loyal customer base! The company is asking consumers to report any deli that’s pulling the old flimflam. It has set up an 800 number and wants customers to demand to see the actual product that is being sliced. Brilliant!

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